Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm not emo, I'm scene, lol.

Scene is what Emo Kids call themselves in an attempt to seperate from the emo label (which is considered ridicule). They will try to distinguish themselves from "emo" by claiming not to be depressed, among other things, and by exaggerating standard emo style (for example: adding raccoon stripes to the default emo haircut). Indeed, however, their style comes from the emo "scene" which is ironically the same "scene" they derive their name from and, more ironic still, the same "scene" they continue to hang out at. The "scene" consists of emotive hardcore music aka emo music, however they will also dismiss this by simply calling it hardcore (or hxc) music. Emo culture also heavily influences pop culture. Bands like Fallout Boy and My Chemical Romance are but some bands adopting both emo/scene fashion and music style. Scene kids will often call these bands "pop punk" (or some other made up genre) in an attempt to deny their significance in emo/scene culture. Emo/Scene culture reaches even children in elementary school since its integration into pop culture. These are just a few of the reasons why "scene" kids want to seemingly distinguish themselves so badly.

Use of the word "scene" as a label is a collective effort by all emo/scene kids to keep the fashion style they love, yet to seperate it from the emo label they hate. Both the "emo" label (as well as the attempt to suppress it) and the "scene" label acquired their popularity entirely through such social networking websites as Myspace.

Standard "Scene" aka Emo fashion includes: hair in the face (usually over one eye), choppy hairstyles, two lip piercings (called snakebites), heavy eyeliner and eyeshadow, hairclips for the girls, oversized sunglasses for the girls, flats (a type of shoe) for the girls, hair extensions for the girls, tunics worn over jeans for the girls, girl pants for the guys, and shirts way too small (for the guys).

Varying Scene/Emo fashion includes: Vans slip-on shoes, bright or neon colors, bandanas worn as scarfs, flanel shirts, tattooes on the chest and lower abdominals, polkadots for the girls, long necklaces for the girls, hairbows for the girls, pajama hoodies for the guys.

Other trends part of the Scene/Emo Fashion: gender bending, alcoholism, atheism, bisexuality, rebellion against parental figures, pictures taken at odd angles, pictures photoshopped to be so bright so as to show no facial features, pictures with a fist pointed at the camera, pictures with writing on the hand or body, pictures with puckered up lips or a one-sided smirk, putting question marks where they don't belong (in writing), using the word much inappropriately (example: sad much? or, fat much?), and creating two-word dark-themed aliases beginning with the same letter such as "Ashley Autopsy" or "Michelle Massacre" or "Mandy Murder."


Anonymous said...

fuck you

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous here emo kids are killing America. and You are all fags not to be mistaken as hardcore in any sense.

Anonymous said...

i stopped reading after i read the part where it says we make up genre's like pop punk.

yeah dude.
and rock isn't a genre either.

what a fucking moron.

and anonymous that posted feb 6th... you're wrong. mexicans are killing america. so before you start hating on a group of people that are generally white americans, pick something that matters. you're being unpatriotic :]

wow. people just have to bitch about shit. noone can accept that people are going to be who they want to be whether or not idiots like you say they're stupid, cause chances are [OMG!] that someone thinks whatever you do is stupid too! so stfu. kthx

Anonymous said...

I think your all hypocrites just because you dress a certain way doesn't mean that you "scene" i had long hair tight black jeans and told people to fuck them self's way before there was any "scene". IM not emo, I don't want to kill my self, and I hate myspace. and as far as music ha I would love to see a "scene" kid at a real hardcore show and by that I don't mean a day to remember. Not even close. go put on your panic shirt and go to a suicide silence show good luck.

Roxana said...

wow im sorry but that article was shit!!
i agree with sean
really people are just dressing the way they fucking what to.

i understand that some people just dont like the style but thats your problem not the wears

so keep your shitty comments to yourself xP
and dont make such a big deal

Unknown said...

flippin fuck scene kids are scene emo kids are emo they both are difrent nothing the same. sure they could have black hair but scene's smile and are very happy emo's are depressed. most scene's at one time or another went through a phase were they were emo which they cut themselves. scenes do not cut they simplie look simaler to a emo but as u would look to there wriste or legs or just plain flesh to see if scars are visible u may say they r emo but to not see anything there they are just scene. all im really saying is that most things he said in this were absolutly horable and other things were fine and or true that is all im saying.

Frost Bite said...

I so fucken hate stupid shit. I always see people that are all like 'Oh, I hate emo kids' and 'Die, emo, die' Thats just shit. If you want to pick on a style. Try getting on those people who take other styles! Like the new 'in' thing is skinny jeans. A few years ago I was made fun of them for wearing them. WTF? On top of that they take the scene style as well.

You should even get on their baggy pants that re three sizes to big, same as their shirts and making up ugly dances. Honestly. Their music is shit. All they talk about is degrading women, sex, drugs and stupid shit.

We are NOT all the same. Scene are soo different than emo that its not even funny. So don't get it mixed up.

Want to continue this little chat? I'm at on MYSPACE BITCH!

Anonymous said...

um...your wrong

scene is completely different from emo. emo is being emotional and dark, and well, maybe sort-of faggish. scene is just a style popular girls made up to be able to wear pokemon & hello kitty shirts without being called a nerd.

Anonymous said...

wow... this post has to be one of the most bias things i have come across today.

There is a culture that is considered "scene", one that is considered "emo", and one considered "hardcore"... i also have found that there is a shitty culture of people, and i call it "the idk". These are the types of people who are so wound up in not knowing what to do in live life, that they strive for attention by downing other cultures that they don't understand, such as the guy who wrote this post.

my view: if you truly consider yourself "emo", "scene", "hardcore", or a mixture of these... don't pay attention to this idiot who just wants attention... and remember, there are people out there who completely and fully respect all three of these cultures (like me)

now have nice day ^-^

Anonymous said...

Im not emo but i love their style. :) i have emo friends and i like emo people .

Anonymous said...
