Monday, January 14, 2008

Xbox 360 shits all over PS3

Why does everyone keep saying the PS3 will beat the Xbox 360? The PS3 only has a few big exclusive games like Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet and Clank Future, Warhawk with huge 32 player uniquely balanced warfare, Unreal Tournament 3 and the mods that come with it, Motorstorm, Resistance, etc. No big deal.. It also has a lot of unique exclusive games like Eye of Judgment, Time Crisis 4, Singstar, and more, all with unique peripherals like the Camera, Microphone, and Guncon. So what?

PS3 has extremely powerful hardware with tons of features like Blu-ray (which not only lets you watch high-definition movies, but gives games more space to work with and discs greater durability and a constant read speed too) and WiFi, which would alone cost hundreds if you wanted it for the Xbox 360. Bluetooth, media card readers, a motion sensing controller, and more, come packed with the PS3 as well. PS3 gives you tons of freedom too, like the ability to upgrade its hard-drive to whatever size or brand you want instead of buying a low capacity proprietary one for hundreds of dollars as with the Xbox 360. Or you can use any Bluetooth headset, keyboard, mouse, etc., which you might already own or can share with other devices in your house, instead of buying a proprietary one (as with Xbox 360). PS3 is even capable of running Linux, Folding@Home (which helps universities progress in science), and more. I don't see what's so great about it, especially when it sells for about the same price as an Xbox 360. Oops, the Xbox 360 actually costs more when you factor in all that extra stuff you have to buy like Xbox Live which costs $50 each year without dedicated servers. PlayStation Network is only completely free and has dedicated servers which means no lag (unlike Xbox Live), but I rather pay money for Xbox Live's inferior and ancient peer-to-peer "service" (if you can even call it that) ..wouldn't you? The PS3 also has less than 1% defective units, which is a milestone for any type of electronic device, but who cares? Microsoft will give you a used console that works (but still might break) for free when your original one dies! Isn't it nice of Microsoft to give you a working product? Well... one that might work as a replacement for the one that originally didn't? Anyway, PS3 has these future standards we don't need right now too (or that most people won't use) like 1Gbps ethernet, HDMI 1.3, and Dolby TrueHD. What a joke, huh?

Oh yea, and what is up with all those great downloadable original PSN games like SOCOM: Confrontation and Wipeout HD? Old Playstation Classics like Twisted Metal which you can play on your PS3 or transfer to PSP and continue playing are also really dumb. Oh, and I forgot, isn't it stupid how you can access your PS3 through your PSP no matter where you are in the world, and watch videos or play games that are stored on your PS3 even though you're, like, in another country or something? You can even turn off your PS3 when you're done. How ridiculous! It also sucks to have perfectly functional complete backwards compatibility too, like with the PS3. I much rather play the guessing game and wonder which of my older Xbox games might work as opposed to having the peace of mind in knowing that every PS2 and PS1 game I put in would work.

Oh yea, and let's not forget about the exclusive games coming up. MGS4 with Metal Gear Online included, Killzone 2 with truly next gen graphics and physics, and Resistance 2 with 8 player co-op and 60 player online battles are all mediocre titles. Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5 with all those crazy online features and truly photorealistic graphics, God of War 3, Tekken 6, SOCOM: Confrontation, and so much more... all pure crap. Not to mention those unique exclusives like Little Big Planet, Disgaea 3, The Agency which is an MMO without subscription fees, DC Universe (another MMO with all DC Comics super heroes), Shin Megami Tensei (huge in Japan), L.A. Noire, Nobi Nobi Boi from the makers of Katamari Damacy, Afrika, Aqua Vita, and more... all horrible ideas. Or how about all those new IPs like Infamous, White Knight Story, Haze, Eight Days, WarDevil, Makai Wars, and more? All will fail. Let's not forget about those all those unnamed projects from highly respected developers like Team ICO, NCSoft, and so many others... they're sure to fail as well. Heck, and those weird things you can't even call games like PlayStation Home. This thing let's you have your own apartment, designed by you, which others can visit in a virtual city where real players are out on the street and are fully interactible... PS3 just gets dumber by the minute.

Sure the PS3 is catching up to the Xbox 360 in sales quicker than expected but I really don't see what the big deal is about this console. I doubt it will ever surpass the Xbox 360 because it has so much to offer like: lack of features, 90% of its games being PC ports or ported to PC, at least a 33% chance your console will break including the one that gets shipped back to you as a replacement, monthly fees, chance of it damaging your game discs with no reimbursement, expensive proprietary hardware, game library consisting of mostly FPS games running on Unreal engine, no big exclusives for 2008, a powerbrick half the size of the console itself, and countless other great things! The controller doesn't even come with a rechargeable battery! And I like that because "having choices" is great for the consumer. Screw Sony!


Anonymous said...

dare I say that is the tr00f

Anonymous said...

Goddamn this is some of the faggiest shit I've ever read and I'm a sonyfag.
Go choke on a cock you nigger.

J.B. Robertson said...

haha great shit.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Goddamn this is some of the faggiest shit I've ever read and I'm a sonyfag.
Go choke on a cock you nigger.

January 15, 2008 2:53 PM

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the most perfect thing u could have said

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Go choke on a cock you nigger."

Please do humanity a favor and die before you reach breeding age.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Goddamn this is some of the faggiest shit I've ever read and I'm a sonyfag.
Go choke on a cock you nigger.

January 15, 2008 2:53 PM

Fuck you. You racist asshole. Can't we talk about the PS3 and NOT have morons come to it's defense. You're making the rest of us look bad...fucking loser

Anonymous said...

Keep telling yourselves that, Sonyfags.

Anonymous said...

@ the gay anonymous that keeps mouthing
you are just pissed because you decided to back a system that ripped your a$$ off in the end. Now you are all salty because you know that everything that this man just said in his article is true. disprove one thing. all the man did was lay down some facts and the only response you have is "Goddamn this is some of the faggiest shit I've ever read and I'm a sonyfag.
Go choke on a cock you nigger." Faggiest isnt even a damn word. You are plain retarded and should just curl up in a ball somewhere stroking you broken ass 360 repeating" Glad im not a sonyfag and enjoying all of those truely awesome titles right now" while im sitting here using a real language playing my "faggy" playstation 3